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Hades (ha´-deez), 250.
Hæmon (hee´-mon), 276.
Halcyone (hal-si´-o-ne), 110.
Halirrothius (hal-ir-ro´-the-us), 113.
Hamadryades (ham-a-dry´-a-deez), 168.
Harmonia (har-mo´-ne-ah), 204, 276.

Harpies (har´-piz), 137, 220.
Harpinna (har-pin´-nah), 233.
Hebe (hee´-be), 41, 156, 256.
Hebrus, river, the (hee´-brus), 82. Hecate (hec´-a-te), 85.
Hecatombs (hec´-a-tomes), 193.
Hecatoncheires (hec´-a-ton-ki´-reez), 13. Hector, 284, 290, 293.
Hecuba (hec´-u-bah), 283, 304.
Helen, 267, 286, 304.
Helenus (hel´-e-nus), 299.
Helicon (hel´-e-con), 158, 162. Helios, (hee´-le-[)o]s), 61, 316. Helios-Apollo, 70.

Helle (hel´-le), 215.
Hemera (hee´-me-rah), 13, 142.
Heosphorus (he-[)o]s´-fo-rus), 68.
Hephæstus (he-fes´-tus), 97.
Hera (he´-rah), 38, 214.
Heracles [54] (her´-a-cleez), 26, 218, 234.
Heraclidæ [54] (her-a-cli´-dee), 280.
Heræ (he´-ree), 41.
Hercules (her´-cu-leez) See Heracles.

--Pillars of, 246.
Hermæ (her´-mee), 118.
Hermes (her´-meez), 117, 250, 312. Hermione (her-mi´-o-ne), 307.
Heroes, 8.
Herostratus (he-ros´-tra-tus), 93. Herse (her´-se), 87, 122.
Hesiod's Theogony (he´-she-od), 24, 150.

Hesione (he-si´-o-ne), 245, 253, 285.
Hesperia (hes-pee´-re-ah), 163.
Hesperides (hes-per´-i-deez), 162, 247.
Hesperus (hes´-pe-rus), 68.
Hestia (hes´-te-ah), 48.

Hip´pocamp, 229.
Hippocamps, 102.
Hippocrene (hip-po-cree´-ne), 159, 162. Hippodamia (hip´-po-da-mi´-ah), 232, 266. Hippolyte (hip-pol´-i-te), 264. Hippolyte's Girdle, 244.
Hippolytes (hip-pol´-i teez), 283. Hippolytus (hip-pol´-i-tus), 266. Hippomedon (hip-pom´-e-don), 273. Hippomenes (hip-pom´-e-neez), 91. Horæ (ho´-ree), 164.
Horned Hind, 240.
Hyacinthus (hi-a-sin´-thus), 77. Hyades (hi´-a-deez), 170.
Hydra, Lernean, the (hi´-drah, ler-nee´-an), 239. Hygeia (hi-jee´-yah), 177.
Hylas (hi´-las), 216, 219.
Hyllus (hil´-lus), 254, 281.
Hymen (hi´-men), or Hymenæus (hi-me-nee´-us), 154. Hyperion (hi-pee´-re-on), 13.
Hypermnestra (hip-erm-nes´-trah), 135. Hypnus (hip´-nus), 142.
Hypsipyle (hip-sip´-i-le), 274.

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